Episode 173 – Fan Q&A Continued! Switch 2 Rumors, One Change We’d Make to Metroid, and More!
This week on the show, Dak and Doom hold down the fort while Andy is busy preparing for the Zelda Dungeon Marathon! Last week, we ran another Q&A episode, and we got a lot of questions from one of our community members and Omega Metroid team members, TheAccursedHunter aka Big…
Episode 172 – Fan Q&A: Samus As A Female Gaming Icon, Metroid Prime 4 Marketing, and More!
This week, we’re putting YOU in charge of the show! We have a whole slew of fan questions to get to, including: is Samus *the* most prolific female gaming character of all time? How would the Metroid series look different is Samus had been kept a male as originally intended?…
The Great Metroid Area Ranking: Bryyo + The Tower (AM2R) + Ferenia
Welcome back to The Great Metroid Area Ranking, the Hunter-Tier Patreon exclusive show where I, Andy Spiteri, will be ranking every single area in the Metroid series! We’ve got another three Metroid areas to go through this month: the jack-of-all-trades area Bryyo, the dangerous and destructive furnace known as the…
Episode 171 – Is Metroid Prime 4 Destined For the “Switch 2” + Other Nintendo Direct Thoughts!
Strap in for a juicy episode! While there was no Metroid news shown at the recent Direct, a lot of stuff that could affect the future of Metroid on the Switch and beyond was announced! Does Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon being ported from 3DS set a precedent that Samus Returns…
Patreon Bonus Show: Andy’s Top 15 GameCube Games (That Aren’t Metroid Prime!)
Welcome back to the Spiteri Show, where this month, Andy gives his top 15 GameCube games that AREN’T Metroid Prime! From some obvious contenders like Super Smash Bros. Melee and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker to some deeper cuts like Eternal Darkness and 1080 Avalanche, come listen to…
Episode 170 – Exploring the Creepy ROM Hack VITALITY and Fun Spinoff B2-TW!
This week, we had some last minute sickness ruin our recording schedule, so feast your eye on not one but TWO Metroid ROM Hack Reviews! Metroid is a series known for its atmospheric feel, and in the latest ROM Hack Review, we’re looking at a hack that takes that atmosphere…
Metroid Musing: Should Metroid Prime 4 Do Away With “Missable” Scans?
One of the joys in each entry of the Metroid Prime trilogy is using your Scan Visor to acquire information about the game’s world, enemies, environments, and more. The amount of detail packed in each game is seemingly endless, and the Scan Visor is the perfect tool to reveal the…
Check Out This Video About The History of John Woo’s Metroid Movie
With the hugely-successful release of the Super Mario Bros. movie (as it has now become one of the top 20 highest-grossing movies of all-time), it’s hard not to speculate how Nintendo will try to adapt its other properties to the big screen as soon as possible. It seems like Zelda…
Episode 169 – Is Metroid Dread Worth Full Price + Samus’s Percentages!
Welcome back to the Omega Metroid Podcast! This week, we’re dusting off an old favorite and playing a little Samus’s Percentages! On the docket this week are hypothetical questions like: will Nintendo show off new hardware this year? Will we have an open world Metroid game within the next seven…
Episode 168 – Pitching One Area From Each Metroid Game as a Smash Bros. Stage!
With little going on in the world of Metroid right now, Andy and Dak return to a fan favorite topic that hasn’t been covered in a while: Super Smash Bros.! We’re pitching a new stage for every game in the Metroid series! From some obvious picks like Phendrana Drifts and…
- Metroid (NES)
- Metroid II: Return of Samus
- Super Metroid
- Metroid Prime
- Metroid Fusion
- Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
- Metroid: Zero Mission
- Metroid Prime Hunters
- Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
- Metroid: Other M
- Metroid: Samus Returns
- Metroid Dread
- Metroid Prime 4: Beyond
- More Games
- Metroid (NES)
- Metroid II: Return of Samus
- Super Metroid
- Metroid Prime
- Metroid Fusion
- Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
- Metroid: Zero Mission
- Metroid Prime Hunters
- Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
- Metroid: Other M
- Metroid: Samus Returns
- Metroid Dread
- Metroid Prime 4: Beyond
- More Games