Metroid Prime Walkthrough – Creatures


Here you’ll find a list of every Creatures scan and their contents, plus any missable creatures, in Metroid Prime. They will be listed in the same order as the logbook.




Location: Frigate Orpheon

Transcript: Interstellar vermin.​ Travel in swarms. ​Indigenous to Tallon IV,​ a single Parasite is harmless to larger life-​forms.​ However,​ they tend to travel in large groups,​ swarming over potential prey.​ Such swarms can be dangerous.


Auto Turret

Location: Various

Transcript: Use Missiles to break outer casing.



Location: Tallon Overworld, Magmoor Caverns

Transcript: Anchors itself to walls and other surfaces.​ Avoid contact with spikes.​ A basic nerve center located directly above the Zoomer’​s mandibles detects nutrients.​ Sharp spines protect it from casual predators,​ but the lack of a reinforced carapace makes the Zoomer vulnerable to any indirect attacks.



Location: Tallon Overworld

Transcript: Wall-​crawling mollusk with retractable spikes.​ ​The Geemer is an evolutionary offshoot of the Zoomer family.​ When threatened,​ it extends lethal spikes and retracts its head deep into its armored carapace.


Sap Sac

Location: Tallon Overworld

Transcript: Chemical reaction within sac produces violent explosion when agitated. ​Because of its irresistible odor and sweet nectar,​ the Sap Sac was nearly eaten out of existence.​ The evolution of an explosive chemical sac saved it;​ now only brave or ingenious creatures dare to devour it.



Location: Tallon Overworld

Transcript: The Bloodflower is able to eject toxic spores. Toxins are poisonous even to the Bloodflower itself. Three mouth-nodules protrude from the stalk beneath the flower, each with a rudimentary brain cluster and the ability to spew toxic fumes at anything with a five-meter radius. The spores ejected from the Stigma at the center of the flower are sufficient to kill this creature if they explode in its vicinity.



Location: Tallon Overworld

Transcript: Plant based ground feeder. Dorsal Spines can be ejected in self-defense.



Location: Chozo Ruins, Phendrana Drifts

Transcript: Exploding parasites that can embed their bodies in solid rock. Scarabs think nothing of sacrificing themselves for the safety of their swarm.​ When a hostile life-​form is sighted,​ they block its progress by embedding themselves in floors and walls.​ Embedded Scarabs violently self-​destruct when threatened.



Location: Tallon Overworld, Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Burrowing insect with a resilient carapace.​ Extremely aggressive. Insect’​s massive mouth enables it to tunnel through solid rock at high speeds.​ Above ground,​ Beetles can cover short distances rapidly.​ They attack anything that moves near their lair.​​​​​​


Plated Beetle

Location: Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Well-armored burrowing insect. Vulnerable only in the rear abdomen.
Creature’s thick cranial plating can repel frontal attacks. This gives it an advantage in combat, allowing it to make ramming attacks. Only surfacing when it detects vibrations above, it then maneuvers itself so as to always face its rival, keeping its exposed abdomen protected.


War Wasp

Location: Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Airborne insect equipped with a venomous stinger capable of shearing steel.​ ​The War Wasp rarely strays far from its hive unless it is pursuing an immediate threat.​ It attacks with no regard for its own survival,​ dive-​bombing its enemy with stinger extended.​ Fast-​working toxins from the stinger can incapacitate most small organisms.


Ram War Wasp


Location: Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Airborne predator.​ Circles its prey and then strikes. ​The War Wasps are the only species on Tallon IV to evolve a true hive mind.​ Nesting in damp,​ dark places,​ Ram War Wasps emerge in small groups when threatened and circle their enemy at high speeds,​ disorienting it.​ Striking from all sides as a single intelligence,​ they can fell huge organisms.


Barbed War Wasp


Location: Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Airborne insect with the ability to launch its stinger at prey. A highly aggressive member of the War Wasp family, this insect can propel the tip of its stinger up to 20 meters. The stinger tips regrow seconds after launch and contain an acidic compound designed to predigest prey.


War Wasp Hive

Location: Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Primary War Wasp dwelling.​ Only vulnerable to heavy weaponry. ​War Wasps build their homes over existing crevices,​ using whatever materials are close at hand.​ They carry building fragments back to the construction site with their forelegs and glue them into place with adhesives secreted from their abdomens.



Location: Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Immobile organisms entirely composed of ocular tissue.​ Capable of launching sustained energy beams when active,​ the Eyon is sensitive to light and will close shut if a bright flash ignites nearby.



Location: Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Small insect capable of storing and releasing thermal energy. ​Plazmites are attracted to sources of heat,​ thriving on the energy present there.​ They emit light when hunting,​ and will expel small bursts of thermal energy when threatened.



Location: Chozo Ruins, Magmoor Caverns

Transcript: Territorial ceiling-​dweller.​ Body temperature peaks at 121°​ centigrade. ​Shriekbats have high internal temperature,​ making them easy to spot with thermal imaging.​ They roost on cave ceilings while hunting for small prey.​ Fiercely territorial,​ they dive-​bomb anything that wanders near.​


Tangle Weed

Location: Tallon Overworld, Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Plant life with basic sentience.​ Retracts into ground if threatened.​ ​Tangle Weeds are only dangerous to small organisms.​ They are covered in tiny barbs designed to trap potential meals.​ Tangle Weeds lack the strength to do anything more than hinder larger life-​forms.


Venom Weed

Location: Tallon Overworld, Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Venom Weed is a poisonous plant that retracts into the ground if threatened. Venom Weeds evolved to thrive in the habitats of large organisms. They lure prey with brightly colored leaves, then attack with tiny barbs that deliver a powerful toxin. Venom Weeds rapidly decompose anything that succumbs in their midst.



Location: Tallon Overworld, Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Volatile chemicals within this weed’​s toxic fungal cap may explode if agitated.​ ​The poisonous flesh of the Blastcap helps keep it from being eaten.​ It also detonates its fungal cap when it senses even slight contact.


Reaper Vine

Location: Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Powerful rock-dwelling tentacle. A single eye upon the Reaper Vine keeps a constant vigil, but its vision is limited to 10 meters. A scythe-like appendage on its tip is honed to lethal sharpness. The Reaper Vine will swing this blade wildly at anything that enters its zone of perception.


Stone Toad

Location: Chozo Ruins

Transcript: The Stone Toad preys on creatures smaller than itself, and is vulnerable only from within. A Stone Toad is able to remain still for days, then it quickly swallows its prey whole. Anything it finds indigestible, it regurgitates. As a last resort, a Stone Toad will use its tusks in combat. A Stone Toad has a bulbous body and large green eyes. A rock-hard exoskeleton allows it to sit motionless for long periods of time.


Plated Parasite

Location: Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Hardy member of the Parasite family. Invulnerable to most weaponry. A cousin to the Parasite, these creatures are known for their amazing resilience. Field studies suggest a weakness to Morph Ball-delivered weapon systems.



Location: Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Wall-crawler that generates electrical pulses. The Oculus exposes its single eye when active. The electrical field that covers it is enough to deter most predators. If the Oculus detects anything capable of presenting a real threat, it retracts into its impermeable shell.


Plated Puffer

Location: Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Mutated Puffer with reinforced epidermis.​​ Phazon exposure has created a mutant strain of Puffers on Tallon IV.​ They have developed plated skin,​ making them harder to burst.​ Concussive weapons can still do the job,​ however.​ The gas within the Plated Puffer is just as deadly as that within their ‘​cousins​’​.


Hive Mecha


Location: Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Security unit programmed to work with predatory hive dwellers. ​A design flaw makes the shielding on Hive Mecha weak around their access ports.​ These units are second-​generation combat drones,​ able to interface with organic units at a higher level.​ They train,​ shelter,​ and work with hive-​dwelling predators.​ Unarmed,​ they rely on their hive beasts to handle any threats.


Incinerator Drone


Location: Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Incinerator Drone, programmed for high temperature waste disposal. Device schematics indicate a high risk of malfunction when internal power core is damaged. Unit has minimal combat programming, but can defend itself if necessary. This drone’s intense heat blasts compensate for its lack of battle prowess.


Chozo Ghost

Location: Tallon Overworld, Chozo Ruins

Transcript: Spectral entity. Bioelectric field invulnerable to natural energies. As these entities phase in and out of existence, the only reliable way to track them accurately is with x-ray scanning. This partially phased nature makes them invulnerable to natural energy types, such as fire, ice, and electricity. Their aggressive and erratic behavior is most likely due to the corrupting effects of Phazon in the Tallon IV environment. They appear to be drawn to Chozo religious sites, where they wreak havoc upon anything that dares enter the area.



Location: Magmoor Caverns

Transcript: Subvolcanic carrion feeder. Carapace can be breached by Missiles. The Grizby’s carapace has been fused together by superheated air. This barrier stands up to everything but concussive blasts. Its intelligence is limited to instinctive scavenging patterns.



Location: Magmoor Caverns, Phazon Mines

Transcript: A tunneling insect predator, the Burrower is similar to the beetle, though it prefers to spend more time underground. It seeks seismic disturbances, then surfaces to attack. It has enough cunning to realize when something is too large for it to handle. Beyond that, it is fairly ignorant. What it lacks in brains, it makes up for in aggression.



Location: Magmoor Caverns, Phazon Mines

Transcript: Unstable gas-​filled organism.​ Will rupture on contact.​ ​Puffers fill their bodies with lethal meta-​viprium gas and float about in search of food.​ If ruptured,​ the gas within the Puffer is violently released.​ Despite their fragile bodies,​ Puffers are aggressive hunters.​ The gas cloud they release upon death is often fatal to the creature that brings them down as well.



Location: Magmoor Caverns

Transcript: Hard-shelled creature with powerful jaws. The Triclops is a hunter-gatherer. It collects small creatures and bits of foodstuff, then deposits them elsewhere for later consumption. The hard tripartite mandibles it uses to move earth and rock are quite strong and difficult to escape once ensnared.



Location: Magmoor Caverns

Transcript: Fire-​breathing serpent that dwells in lava.​ ​Magmoors prefer extreme heat zones,​ and are susceptible to frigid attack forms.​ Sightless,​ they navigate the lava currents using their sonar receptors.​ Magmoors have a keen sense of smell,​ enabling them to pinpoint targets with startling accuracy.


Puddle Spore

Location: Magmoor Caverns

Transcript: Sentient floating lava mollusk protected by an impenetrable shell. A Puddle Spore opens when approached, attempting to intimidate with its size. When opened, direct fire to its mantle causes it to flip into a defensive position. If it can slam shut, it ejects a spread of harmful energy globules.



Location: Phendrana Drifts

Transcript: Territorial cold-weather scavenger. The shell of a Crystallite reflects Beam weapons, and can only be cracked by a concussive blast. They hang upside down in an ice cave during their larval stage. Moisture runs off its body and forms the hard ice shell, which the Crystallite retains for the rest of its life.


Ice Parasite


Location: Phendrana Drifts

Transcript: A simple scavenger life-form that possesses a crystalline outer shell. Parasites are hardy creatures, able to adapt to any environment within three generations. The Ice Parasite is a prime example. Having adjusted to a frigid climate, this vermin now thrives in it. Omnivorous, it can exist in areas hostile to most life-forms.


Ice Shriekbat


Location: Phendrana Drifts

Transcript: Ice-encased ceiling-dweller. Like standard Shriekbats, these creatures are easily spotted with Thermal Imaging. They roost on cave ceilings, subsisting on insects, reptiles and small mammals. Fiercely territorial, they will dive-bomb anything that wanders near.


Pulse Bombu

Location: Chozo Ruins, Phendrana Drifts

Transcript: Life-​form of raw energy.​ Periodically releases explosive segments from its body.​ ​Pulse Bombus are energy beings,​ invulnerable to most known weapons.​ Electrical energy can harm them,​ however.​ They lack any intelligence beyond an instinctive attraction to other charged energy sources.​ Pulse Bombus produce energy constantly.​ All excess energy is shed,​ regardless of who or what may be nearby.


Scatter Bombu

Location: Various

Transcript: Pulsing tendrils of energy extend from creature’​s body.​ ​Like all Bombus,​ these creatures can only be harmed by electrical energy.​ Proximity to these life-​forms may result in electrical Visor interference.​ It is possible to avoid engaging Scatter Bombus by rolling into the Morph Ball and slipping between the rotating energy streams.


Ice Burrower


Location: Phendrana Drifts

Transcript: The Ice Burrower is a hardy life form that has adapted to the frigid climate of Phendrana. It spends most of its time tunneling through the frozen soil, but occasionally surfaces to attack passers-by.


Ice Beetle

Location: Phendrana Drifts

Transcript: Burrowing insect with an ice-reinforced carapace. Averse to heat. This member of the Beetle family has adapted to life in the subzero temperatures in the Phendrana Drifts, growing a thick ice shell over its entire body. The ice is extremely resilient, providing the Ice Beetle with extra protection and augmented digging abilities. ​​​​​​



Location: Phendrana Drifts

Transcript: Scavenger with optical camouflaging that renders it invisible to the naked eye.​ ​Flickerbats are deceptive creatures.​ The only way to track them reliably is with x-​ray imaging.​ They fly ceaselessly,​ hunting insects and other small prey that float on the air currents.​ Flickerbats tend to fly in cyclical hunting patterns,​ using primitive sonar to navigate.



Location: Tallon Overworld, Phendrana Drifts

Transcript: Aquatic predator made of electrically bound skeletal halves. The Jelzap’s brain is located in the upper half of its body, while the heart and digestive tract occupy the lower half. Linked only by electrical impulses, the two halves somehow function effectively enough to launch the Jelzap to the top of Tallon IV’s aquatic food chain.


Baby Sheegoth

Location: Phendrana Drifts

Transcript: Glacial predator. Ice shell protects vulnerable dorsal area. Young Sheegoths grow a resilient shell of ice on their backs which serves to protect a layer of vulnerable flesh. With this being their only weak point, Baby Sheegoths will turn quickly in order to not allow predators the opportunity to strike at their backs. Powerful hunters, they fire bursts of ultracold gas at potential prey, then feast on their frozen victim.



Location: Phendrana Drifts

Transcript: Supreme predator of the Phendrana Drifts. Sheegoths are invulnerable to most Beam weapons. The crystals on their back absorb energy, which they can fire at prey. Sheegoths have poor stamina. They hyperventilate after using their breath attack, making their mouth area vulnerable. The soft underbelly of a Sheegoth is susceptible to concussive blasts. In battle, they expel blasts of frigid gas.


Sentry Drone

Location: Phendrana Drifts

Transcript: Well-​armed and armored security mecha.​ ​Sentry Drones have limited intelligence,​ but do their assigned tasks well.​ Being machines,​ they are susceptible to electrical attacks.​ When alerted,​ Drones initiate a security lockdown,​ then attempt to neutralize the intruder.​ Their electronic warfare suit can scramble Visor technology as well.


Space Pirate

Location: Phendrana Drifts, Phazon Mines

Transcript: Sentient aggressor species well trained in weapon and melee combat. Space Pirates wield Galvanic Accelerator Cannons and forearm-mounted Scythes in combat. This species seeks to become the dominant force in the galaxy, and their technology may help them realize this goal. Ruthless and amoral, the Pirates care little for the cost of their ambition. Only the results matter, and they take these very seriously.


Shadow Pirate

Location: Phendrana Drifts, Phazon Mines

Transcript: Pirate forces trained and equipped for stealth operations. A select group of Space Pirates have access to sophisticated cloaking technology. This gear drains high levels of power, however, forcing them to rely solely on melee weapons in battle. Use enhanced detection gear when fighting these units.


Flying Pirate

Location: Various

Transcript: Pirates trained and equipped for airborne assault. Flying Pirates are extremely agile in the air, but the heat signatures of their jet packs can be tracked with Thermal Imaging. While their Missiles are extremely potent, their jet packs can be even more so. If the pack fails, they will make a suicide strike.


Aqua Sac

Location: Tallon Overworld

Transcript: Will burst when subjected to impact or trauma. Believed to be in the same family as the Sap Sac, this plant has similar features. It will burst when exposed to force. This protective response keeps most creatures from feeding on it.


Tallon Crab

Location: Crashed Frigate

Transcript: Crustacean native of Tallon IV. Hard-shelled swarm life-form. Once harvested for food, exposure to Phazon has seen this practice diminished. Creatures are timid and harmless alone, but can be a problem when traveling in swarms.


Aqua Reaper

Location: Crashed Frigate, Phendrana Drifts

Transcript: Powerful aquatic tentacle, part of a submerged organism. Similar in nature to the surface-based Reaper Vine, the Aqua Reaper has adapted to a liquid environment. It shares the poor vision of its rock-dwelling ‘cousin,’ relying on a crude sonar sense to seek prey. Unhindered by water, the Aqua Reaper has considerable speed and strength.


Aqua Drone


Location: Crashed Frigate

Transcript: Security mecha adapted for use in underwater areas.​ The Space Pirates have adapted a number of Sentry Drones for use in liquid environments.​ These Aqua Drones utilize an arsenal and artificial intelligence suit similar to their ‘​cousins.​’​ The Pirates have been unable to properly shield these Drones from electrical attack,​ making them vulnerable to the Wave Beam.


Aqua Pirate

Location: Crashed Frigate

Transcript: Space Pirates with exoskeletons modified for underwater use. Using modified thruster-packs and Gravity Suit technology, the Space Pirates have armorsuits for use in liquid environments. Thermal tracking is still very useful against these units, as the Pirate engineers have yet to eliminate the thruster-pack’s high heat signature.


Mega Turret

Location: Phazon Mines

Transcript: Perimeter defense turret reinforced with energy shielding. Frustrated with inferior armor plating on standard defense turrets, the Space Pirates added energy shielding to a modified heavy Cannon. The new shielding and increased Beam strength makes the Mega Turret an efficient point defense weapon.



Location: Phendrana Drifts, Phazon Mines

Transcript: The Glider is a docile, airborne creature with unusual magnetic properties. Gliders live a relatively peaceful existence. They have a magnetic signature attuned to common Grapple Beam technology; the sport of ‘Glider riding’ involves using a Grapple to attach to a Glider, then attempting to stay on it as long as possible.


Power Trooper

Location: Phazon Mines

Transcript: Space Pirate armed with Power Beam technology.​ Space Pirates have reverse-​engineered several of your weapons,​ including the Power Beam.​ A flaw in the design makes these Pirates vulnerable to their own Beam weapon system.​ These weapons are inferior to your Chozo-​designed originals,​ but still quite potent.


Wave Trooper

Location: Phazon Mines

Transcript: Space Pirate armed with Wave Beam technology.​ Space Pirates have reverse-​engineered several of your weapons,​ including the Power Beam.​ A flaw in the design makes these Pirates vulnerable to their own Beam weapon system.​ These weapons are inferior to your Chozo-​designed originals,​ but still quite potent.


Ice Trooper

Location: Phazon Mines

Transcript: Space Pirate armed with Ice Beam technology.​ Space Pirates have reverse-​engineered several of your weapons,​ including the Power Beam.​ A flaw in the design makes these Pirates vulnerable to their own Beam weapon system.​ These weapons are inferior to your Chozo-​designed originals,​ but still quite potent.


Plasma Trooper

Location: Phazon Mines

Transcript: Space Pirate armed with Plasma Beam technology.​ Space Pirates have reverse-​engineered several of your weapons,​ including the Power Beam.​ A flaw in the design makes these Pirates vulnerable to their own Beam weapon system.​ These weapons are inferior to your Chozo-​designed originals,​ but still quite potent.


Elite Pirate


Location: Phazon Mines

Transcript: Phazon-enhanced Space Pirate. Incredibly strong, armored, and well armed. Elite Pirates are potent foes. Their energy-siphon system absorbs Beam weapon shots, which they use to fuel a massive Plasma Artillery Cannon. The nature of this system makes them vulnerable to concussion-based weapons. Well armed, the Elite Pirate is effective in close combat and at a distance. Their massive size can be a weakness, and their sluggish speed allows for evasion and quick attacks.


Phazon Elite


Location: Phazon Mines

Transcript: Elite Pirate infused with energized Phazon. The Phazon-charged Elite Pirates rely more on their Wave Quake Generators, opting not to carry the vulnerable Plasma Artillery Cannons normally used by Elites. The direct fusing of Phazon into their bodies provides a tremendous level of energy. The drastically lower life span that comes with this process is of little concern to the Pirate Research team.


Tallon Metroid

Location: Phendrana Drifts, Phazon Mines

Transcript: The effects of Phazon have turned these Metroids–a species of alpha predators native to SR388–into a unique subspecies found only on Tallon IV. A Tallon Metroid will latch onto its prey and drain energy, growing larger as it does. The only way to shake an attached Tallon Metroid is to enter Morph Ball mode and lay a Bomb.


Hunter Metroid

Location: Phendrana Drifts, Phazon Mines

Transcript: Adolescent Metroid. Energy-siphon tentacles increases its threat level. As Metroids develop,​ they become more efficient predators.​ An energy-​draining tentacle allows them to attack at a distance.​ Quick to anger,​ a Hunter Metroid will charge troublesome prey and attempt to ram them into submission.​ Cold-​based attacks are still quite effective against these creatures.


Fission Metroid

Location: Phazon Mines, Impact Crater

Transcript: Metroids with the ability to split into two forms. The Fission Metroid is a mutant,​ capable of splitting in two.​ This split endows the new creatures with invulnerability to most weaponry.​ This effect is unstable,​ resulting in weakness to a type of weapon fire.​ The vulnerability appears to be random,​ due to the chaotic nature of Phazon mutation



Location: Impact Crater

Transcript: Phazon-​charged reptiles. ​Natives of Tallon IV,​ the Lumigeks travel in swarms to increase their odds of survival.​ They absorb and radiate Phazon energy,​ making these swarms a threat.


Parasite Queen


Location: Frigate Orpheon

Transcript: Parasite female,​ genetically enhanced by unknown means. ​A weak spot has been detected in this creature’​s mouth.​ Use your auto-​targeting to acquire this new target!​​ ​Scans indicate the presence of a potent mutagen,​ origins unknown.​ Creature exhibits the ability to fire weapon-​grade blasts of energy from its mouth,​ a trait not present in the standard parasite genome.​ It appears the Pirates have begun a bioengineering program,​ with considerable results.




Location: Chozo Ruins

Transcript: This mutant plant is the source of toxic water in the Ruins.​ Flaahgra’​s growth cycle has been radically accelerated.​ As a result,​ it requires near-​constant exposure to solar energy to remain active.​ This exposure has made Flaahgra’​s outer shell thick and durable.​ Its lower root system is unprotected and vulnerable,​ however.​ Exploit this flaw when possible.​ Concentrated weapon fire can daze it for short periods.


Flaahgra Tentacle


Location: Chozo Ruins

Transcript: One of Flaahgra’​s tentacles fills this narrow drainage channel.​ Analysis indicates that Flaahgra’​s central nervous system is located at the base of this structure.




Location: Phendrana Drifts

Transcript: An animated, sentient creature of stone charged with Phazon radiation. The Phazon radiation given off by Thardus negates auto-targeting systems, preventing lock-on. It may be possible to acquire alternate targets with a different Visor. The chaotic nature of Phazon irradiation leads to instability in its structural integrity. Thardus can encase targets in ice, and its colossal size and strength make it a formidable opponent.


Omega Pirate


Location: Phazon Mines

Transcript: Most powerful of the Elite Pirate Forces. Omega Pirate can become invisible to normal sight. It is vulnerable when cloaked, as all energy is drawn from defense systems. By exposing itself to Phazon, it can regenerate damaged tissue and organs. Considered the pinnacle of the Elite Pirate program, this enemy should be handled with extreme caution and maximum firepower.



Meta Ridley


Location: Artifact Temple

Transcript: Genetically enhanced Ridley Metaform Reborn and evolved through Pirate technology, Meta Ridley is a fearsome enforcer. Its hide is extremely resilient, save for the chest, which has thinner plating. the Pirates have fused a number of potent weapons to the creature, including a Multi-Missile System, a Kinetic Breath Weapon, a Meson Bomb Launcher, and an Ultrathermal Flamestrike Projector. Meta Ridley is also a formidable melee combatant, making any sort of engagement a risky proposition.


Metroid Prime


Location: Impact Crater

Transcript: Highly evolved, Phazon-producing life form. The aberration known as Metroid Prime is the source of Phazon, making it immensely powerful. A genetic flaw makes it susceptible to certain weapons for brief periods. Only its head is truly vulnerable: other attacks are a nuisance. Offensively, Metroid Prime has a number of natural and mechanical weapons at its disposal. These include Ultrafrigid Breath, Multi-Missiles, Snare Beams, and Particle Wave Projectors. Its massive strength and barbed carapace make it lethal in melee combat. Recommend maximum firepower when engaging this enemy.


Metroid Prime (Core)


Location: Impact Crater

Transcript: The core essence of Metroid Prime. Scan indicates that the Phazon energy form of Metroid Prime is invulnerable to all weapons; only attacks from a Phazon-fuzed Arm Cannon will damage it. It generates pools of Phazon when it attacks; use these to fuel you Suit’s Phazon weapon system. The entity can also spawn Metroids to assist it in battle, rendering it invisible when it does so.