Metroid Fusion Walkthrough – Power Bomb Expansions 

Here you’ll find the location for every Power Bomb Expansion in Metroid Fusion, as well as detailed explanations on how to get them and what powerups you’ll need. This list is ordered by way of progression; for a list of Missile Expansions by area, click here.


Power Bomb Expansion #1

Location: Sector 5 (ARC)

Requirements: Power Bombs

Once you clear the room where you first encounter the SA-X, lay a Power Bomb at the base of the next room. There’s a red X if you need a health recharge, as well as POWER BOMB EXPANSION #1


Power Bomb Expansion #2

Location: Sector 5 (ARC)

Requirements: Ice Missiles, Springball

From the Thin Freezer room, take the middle left door, again blowing away the eye blob blocking your path. Enter the next room and get ready for a hard Expansion.

To grab the expansion in this room, you’ll need to make extensive use of your springball and Ice Missile abilities. You’ll see a couple Rippers flying back and forth above what looks to be solid ground. Don’t be fooled though; if you touch anywhere on this surface, it will give away and you’ll fall right into the bottom. The only solid surface is the litter alcoves in between the Rippers. What you need to do is freeze the Rippers as they’re in somewhat of the middle of the upper parts of this platform. You’ll have a little bit of leeway on the first Ripper, but the second Ripper, you need to hit him almost literally in the middle of the second and third tile. Turn into a ball and jump over once the Rippers are frozen. Be pressing left as you jump to give you a little bit of momentum. Once you make it past both Rippers, be sure to jump on the expansion! The ground directly before the expansion will give out if you touch it, and having to do the whole thing over would suck. Once you’ve finally done all this, you can grab POWER BOMB EXPANSION #2 as your much-deserved reward.


Power Bomb Expansion #3

Location: Main Deck

Requirements: Power Bombs

From the pathway you take when the power is down and the elevator stops halfway through the Sectors Bays and the Main Deck, continue on until you get to the room where Ridley’s remains are; the floor will give out and you’ll drop down. Lay a Power Bomb when you land and you’ll see a tunnel appear to your left. Follow it to the end; lay some bombs and another tunnel going upwards will appear. Shoot the top of it and jump up to grab POWER BOMB EXPANSION #3


Power Bomb Expansion #4

Location: Sector 2 (TRO)

Requirements: Power Bombs, Space Jump

In the rectangular room in the middle lower middle of the map (there is a Save Station connected to the top right), Space Jump to the top; on your way up you’ll see a couple columns. Lay a Power Bomb in midair the walls will give away, allowing you to pop inside and grab POWER BOMB EXPANSION #4


Power Bomb Expansion #5

Location: Sector 5 (ARC)

Requirements: Speed Booster, Space Jump

Space Jump up to the top left of the Big Freezer room. Shoot the door open to your left and then run directly right. Your Speed Booster should activate towards the end – crouch and Shinespark to the left, through the door you opened just a second earlier. You’ll fly into another room and go crashing through the wall, entering a new room with POWER BOMB EXPANSION #5 right in front of you.


Power Bomb Expansion #6

Location: Sector 3 (PYR) technically, can access from Sector 5 (ARC)

Requirements: Power Bombs

In the Thin Freezer room, take the top right door into this room and immediately shoot the ceiling. You’ll see a door which will take you to a connector tube to Sector 3 (side note – I love these shots because it’s easy to forget you’re on a giant space station sometimes. So cool!). On the side of the connector tube that rests in Sector 3, lay a Power Bomb. You’ll see a brick in the wall give away and POWER BOMB EXPANSION #6 sitting right there for the taking.


Power Bomb Expansion #7

Location: Sector 5 (ARC)

Requirements: Power Bombs

From the connecting tube from Sector 3 to 5, lay another Power Bomb as soon as you get back into Sector 5. You’ll see a small opening in the ceiling reveal itself. Jump up and immediately hit the gate switch. You’ll have two Space Pirates on the other side of the gate shooting at you, and their beams can pass through solid objects (seems like malarky to me) and ours can’t, so hit that switch and take care of them quickly. The X will float to the next level above you, so again, shoot the ceiling at the far left and jump up, taking out the Pirate. Now that you’re on the third level, I’d just lay a Power Bomb; you’ll see openings to your right and left. Jump up to your right first, hit the switch gate, then go left and open that switch gate; abracadabra, you’ve got POWER BOMB EXPANSION #7.


Power Bomb Expansion #8

Location: Sector 5 (ARC)

Requirements: None

In the room one down and one to the , shoot left of the Save Room, shoot the ceiling out in this next room in pretty much the exact spot where the two Gerubus’s are lurking (either take them out or avoid them, you’re choice). Head up and then slip into the room on your left. You’ll see a ton of Zeelas here; lay a Power Bomb, which will both destroy them all and reveal POWER BOMB EXPANSION #8


Power Bomb Expansion #9

Location: Sector 5 (ARC)

Requirements: None

Right before you enter the Save Room by the Nightmare boss room, lay a Power Bomb and you’ll see a tunnel in the wall. Roll over and get yourself inside! When you’re almost at the end, just start jumping in Morph Ball form. This may seem silly since we’re in a tunnel, but there’s actually no roof on one of the black tiles. When you jump, eventually, you’ll go up; once you find the spot, jump up, roll over to the left and grab POWER BOMB EXPANSION #9.


Power Bomb Expansion #10

Location: Sector 5 (ARC)

Requirements: Speed Booster

Just before the connecting bridge from Sector 5 to Sector 4, run towards the door on the far right. Once you go through the door, you’ll go crashing through two pillars. Once both are destroyed, STOP and crouch; get in between the two pillars (you can still see the tops) and Shinespark directly up. You’ll see POWER BOMB EXPANSION #10 just laying there. 


Power Bomb Expansion #11

Location: Sector 4 (AQA)

Requirements: None

From the Save Station to the right of the connecting Bridge from Sector 4 to Sector 5, make your way down the long vertical hallway you now find yourself in. You won’t make it very far down until you see a door directly below the Save Room. Straight across from that door hidden in the wall is a ledge you can jump over and grab; do so and roll over into another room to grab POWER BOMB EXPANSION #11.


Power Bomb Expansion #12

Location: Sector 4 (AQA)

Requirements: Power Bombs, Missiles

On the pathway to the Lock Room, you’ll come across a glass tube; Once you lay a Power Bomb, a portion of the ceiling of the tube will give away, and you’ll see blocks that require Missiles to be destroyed. Oblige them and jump up. Lay a Power Bomb and you’ll see a tunnel open up in the top right corner. Jump up and grab POWER BOMB EXPANSION # 12.


Power Bomb Expansion #13

Location: Sector 4 (AQA)

Requirements: Bombs

From the “main” room of Sector 4, the first room outside the Navigation Room, head over two rooms to your left. You should remember this room from earlier. Once you get inside, bomb the wall of the walkway and roll inside the tunnel. Drop down in between the two electrical wires and lay a Power Bomb. You’ll see a tunnel to your left. Roll over and grab POWER BOMB EXPANSION #13.


Power Bomb Expansion #14

Location: Sector 1 (SRX)

Requirements: None (Screw Attack recommended)

At the bottom of the vertical hallway directly beside the Save Station at the lower most part of Sector 1 (close to the Restricted Zone entrance), Screw Attack right through the floor. We actually could have grabbed this expansion on the way to Ridley, but I figured we’d just save it for after since the Screw Attack will make this way easier. If you move over to the left side of the room, you’ll see a Yard crawling inside of an enclosed space. Blast it away, but don’t absorb the X! It will respawn as another enemy, so blast that one, also not absorbing the X. The third formation will spawn a Golden Pirate, which you can just Screw Attack right through. Defeating all three baddies will unlock the door to your right; enter and grab POWER BOMB EXPANSION #14.


Power Bomb Expansion #15

Location: Sector 1 (SRX)

Requirements: Screw Attack

In the first “main” room following the Navigation Room, head to the top right and go through the Green Door. Screw Attack near the top of the ceiling and the roof will break; jump up and grab POWER BOMB EXPANSION #15.


Power Bomb Expansion #16

Location: Sector 1 (SRX)

Requirements: Speed Booster, Power Bombs

Get yourself to the Save Room directly under where you fought the Elephant Bird earlier. In the next room over there are two Hornoads, and in the room next to that is a set of monkey bars that leads to the Elephant Bird room; before doing anything else, lay a Power Bomb to get rid of the wall, allowing you to run straight through into a hidden room. Don’t go in yet, however. 

Start running from the Save Room and get your Speed Boost going. Run through the next two rooms and crouch as soon as you get into the hidden room. While your Shinespark is charged, jump to the right into the water (make sure you jump with the directional button so as to not activate your Shinespark). Once you land, quickly run to the far right and Shinespark straight up. Shoot the wall and you’ll nab POWER BOMB EXPANSION #16.


Power Bomb Expansion #17

Location: Sector 5 (ARC)

Requirements: Space Jump, Power Bombs

Get yourself over to the room directly beside the Yellow Lock Room on the right. Lay a Power Bomb and the ceiling will give away. Space Jump up up up and enter the door on the top right. You’ll see POWER BOMB EXPANSION #17 sitting right there.


Power Bomb Expansion #18

Location: Sector 3 (PYR)

Requirements: Power Bombs

Once in Sector 3, head over to the Xeno Shaft. In the room to the left of it, the one right under the Speed Boost blocks, lay a Power Bomb and roll through the tunnel. Destroy the Xeno and jump up to grab POWER BOMB EXPANSION #18.


Power Bomb Expansion #19

Location: Sector 3 (PYR)

Requirements: Power Bombs

Once you’re actually inside the Xeno Shaft, get to the very bottom; head left through the next room with the monkey bars and lava and exit right. You’ll be face to face with a Xeno. Lay a Power Bomb and a tunnel will appear underneath the Xeno; drop down and you’ll be in a maze of tight rocky tunnels. Head over to the top right and jump through what looks like solid rock. You’ll pass through and get to a pathway in the top corner that, if you follow it, will lead you right to POWER BOMB EXPANSION #19.


Power Bomb Expansion #20

Location: Sector 3 (PYR)

Requirements: Gravity Suit, Screw Attack, Speed Booster

Head back to the bottom of the Xeno Shaft and this time, take the door to your right. Keep heading that direction until you get to the huge room with lava that we got the Energy Tank and Missile Expansion from earlier. Drop into the lava and run towards the bottom right corner. Take out the wall with your Screw Attack, run back, and Speed Boost through the door. Enter the next room, crouch and then at the very edge of the room, Shinespark straight up. You’ll literally fly right into POWER BOMB EXPANSION #20. When you get to the top, don’t leave the room yet though! Actually, when you hit the top of the wall with your Shinespark, just let yourself fall straight back down until you see a ledge. Grab onto it, Screw Attack the ceiling on either side, and you’ll nab yourself POWER BOMB EXPANSION #21!


Power Bomb Expansion #21

Location: Sector 3 (PYR)

Requirements: Gravity Suit, Screw Attack, Speed Booster

See Power Bomb Expansion #20.


Power Bomb Expansion #22

Location: Sector 3 (PYR)

Requirements: Speed Booster

In the hallway above the room you fought B.O.X. in, clear out all the enemies and start running towards the door to your left. As soon as you get through, crouch and Shinespark directly through the wall in front of you. Lay a Power Bomb and a tunnel will appear, leading you right to POWER BOMB EXPANSION #22.


Power Bomb Expansion #23

Location: Sector 2 (TRO)

Requirements: Space Jump, Screw Attack 

Get yourself to the upper part of the Lock Room. Screw Attack the wall to your left and go through. This room is pretty fun. You’ll need to make a series of tough Space Jumps in here, as any time you touch the ground, it will give away. As you get closer to the expansions, you may have a quick half second of leeway to jump again if you hit the ground before you start sinking through. Keep your Space Jumps tight and good luck – there’s really not a whole lot of advice I can offer you! In the bottom corner, you’ll get POWER BOMB EXPANSION #23.


Power Bomb Expansion #24

Location: Sector 2 (TRO)

Requirements: Diffusion Missile

Head to the super long vertical hallway directly under the “main” room of Sector 2 (the first room after the Navigation Room, elevator, etc.). Fall down, roll under the pillar and into your first door on your left.

In this room, you’ll want to charge up a Diffusion Missile and use it to freeze the two Rippers under the pillar so you have a pathway or at least some platforms to jump over and grab POWER BOMB EXPANSION #24. Note: Springball jump instead of regular jump, as your Screw Attack will make short work of the Rippers. Immediately after getting your expansion, don’t move a muscle and the ground will give away, dropping you to the bottom of this room. Eventually, you’ll stop falling, so lay a bomb and you’ll find it was POWER BOMB EXPANSION #25 breaking your fall. 


Power Bomb Expansion #25

Location: Sector 2 (TRO)

Requirements: Diffusion Missile

See Power Bomb Expansion #24.


Power Bomb Expansion #26

Location: Sector 2 (TRO)

Requirements: Speed Booster

Get yourself over to the room you fought Zazabi in. Jump up to the top right corner and Screw Attack through the wall. This next room is pretty fun.

Drop all the way down to the bottom and run to the right side of the room. Run to the right, crouch, charge your Shinespark, and jump up to the next platform. As I’m sure you know by now, if you release a Shinespark and start flying, whenever you hit a hill or a slant in the road, you’ll be able to start running again, and thus, charge your Shinespark again. Keep running, crouching, flying, and then running again up every level (be careful on the top, you need to crouch twice!) and eventually, you’ll run right into POWER BOMB EXPANSION #26.


Power Bomb Expansion #27

Location: Sector 4 (AQA)

Requirements: Speed Booster, Screw Attack

In the hallway directly under the Data Room, Screw Attack through the giant worm and get to the far right and then roll through a hidden tunnel in the wall. You’ll fall into the room below; take out the Yards and get yourself to the left of the room. Speed Boost over to the right side of the room and then Shinespark directly up from where you fell down. You’ll land right on POWER BOMB EXPANSION #27.


Power Bomb Expansion #28

Location: Sector 6 (NOC)

Requirements: Speed Booster, Screw Attack

Head to the Frozen X room and get rid of the middle block so you can Speed Boost. Run towards the left. Crouch and charge your Shinespark, jump up on the ledge where the door is, shoot the door open and fly away. You’ll go crashing through two rooms and then enter a massive room where you’ll STILL be flying!

You’ll notice that you flew just over a Power Bomb expansion. Once you hit the wall, jump towards the top of this room. The goal here is to charge your Shinespark, jump down and activate it in midair, almost exactly flush with the ground so that you go crashing through the expansion. This can be tricky, but honestly I think flying around as an indestructible bounty hunting bullet is kind of fun, so even if it takes you a few tries, you should still have a good time. Remember, when you have your Shinespark charged, make sure to jump forward so as to not activate it until you’re ready. Eventually, you will secure POWER BOMB EXPANSION #28


Power Bomb Expansion #29

Location: Sector 6 (NOC)

Requirements: Speed Booster

In the same room that you grabbed Power Bomb Expansion #28 in, head to the bottom left and start running rightward. Charge up your Shinespark and jump up to the little ledge and start running. There’s a catch though – this won’t get you through the wall since those aren’t Speed Boost blocks! The only blocks that can be destroyed with a Speed Boost are on the ceiling of the square surrounding the expansion. So basically as soon as you activate your Speed Boost and start running, the moment you hit the incline, jump, jump, and jump again. Three quick jumps should give you the height and the distance to control your landing and go crashing through the roof, nabbing you POWER BOMB EXPANSION #29.


Power Bomb Expansion #30

Location: Sector 6 (NOC)

Requirements: Diffusion Missile

Make your way to the room directly above where you fought B.O.X. for the second time. Instead of dropping down, jump across and Screw Attack through the wall. Do keep moving towards the right and you’ll enter a secret room. In here, you’ll see three Menus crawling around. Keep at least one alive! Make your way to the upper right corner and a regular bomb to reveal a tunnel. You’ll find there’s a little alcove towards the end of the tunnel right before the expansion – the ground here will give away if you roll over it. Wait until one of the Yards is in the middle and then freeze it with a Diffusion Missile. Use it as a platform and grab POWER BOMB EXPANSION #30.


Power Bomb Expansion #31

Location: Restricted Zone

Requirements: Speed Booster

Make your way to the Restricted Zone (or at least where it used to be). Once you get past the Save Room, keep running and Speed Boost until you reach the room where you can see outer space. Stop and crouch; once you’re in the center of the room, Shinespark directly up and Samus will literally fly through space and grab POWER BOMB EXPANSION #31.


Power Bomb Expansion #32

Location: Main Deck

Requirements: None

Head to the Green Door directly opposite the elevator that took you up to the Habitation Deck. Go through and enter the last room with a hidden expansion. Springball jump up and towards the right on the rightmost wall and you’ll enter an invisible tunnel. Jump up again and to the right and you’ll fall over and right into POWER BOMB EXPANSION #32. Amazing! You have collected every Power Bomb Expansion in Metroid Fusion!