Admiral Dane’s Diner: Maridia Popcorn Seasoning
Welcome back to Admiral Dane’s Diner, a monthly series where I attempt to create food with a Metroid theme! Currently, I have no kitchen (it is under construction) and am limited to a microwave and a hotplate for the time being. Therefore, I have to be a little bit creative with what I can come up with.
One of the most versatile seasonings is called furikake, which is used in Japanese cooking. It is often sprinkled on top of rice. Usually, it’s a mix of bonito flakes, roasted nori (seaweed), salt, roasted sesame seeds, and a teeny bit of sugar. It gives items a distinct briny, almost fishy flavor (but very mild). Which makes it perfect for a snack based on a deep sea area in Super Metroid!
Maridia (Furikake) Popcorn Seasoning
- 1 sheet roasted nori (the kind used for wrapping sushi)
- 1 bag microwave popcorn
- 4 tablespoons Garlic Gomashio (a mix of garlic powder, roasted sesame seeds, and sea salt)
- 2 tablespoons bonito flakes (if you want to truly make it furikake)
While popcorn is popping, crumble nori sheet into a bowl. The flakes can be a large or as small as you would like!
Add the Garlic Gomashio mix, and the bonito flakes if using. Mix to combine.
Once the popcorn is finished popping, add the furikake seasoning and gently mix to combine. Your Maridia Popcorn Mix is complete! Enjoy! Thank you for coming to Admiral Dane’s Diner! What other Metroid foods would you like to see? Let us know in the comments below!

Isabel Braman is the Community Manager of Omega Metroid and curator of the Metroid 35 fanzine. She likes to create stuff!