Atmospheric Metroidvania Ghost Song is Finally Here!
Ghost Song is a long time coming. Starting as a kickstarter back in 2014, Ghost Song has been developed solely by Matt White as a 2D Metroidvania which takes great inspiration from Metroid and Dark Souls. The Metroid side of things is quickly noticeable taking place in a sci-fi setting with a large focus on atmosphere, isolation, and the environments of Lorian V. With a focus on ambient music and areas that vary in colors, organic growth, some sort of fungus infecting wildlife as well as what seems to be strange humanoids that attack anything on sight. Multiple shipwrecks can be found, corpses with plants having grown through them hint that multiple people have traveled to this place in the past while showing that not just the wildlife, but the world itself is a threat. These elements combine with some of the Dark Souls influences with how dreary it can be as well as how you interact with other characters in the game.
Primarily the Souls inspiration is from the gameplay mechanics where you collect a resource from defeated enemies, use that to level up certain stats, and lose what you have collected should you die with the only way to reclaim what was lost by progressing back to where you died. You play as a Dead Suit, awakening from a long slumber on the moon Lorian V devoid of memory to explore its dangerous and expansive caverns in search of purpose and to uncover this world’s mysteries. At first, you have not but your blaster and a close-range melee attack, but it won’t be long before you find varying weapons, passive abilities, new functions such as a dash, and much more. By collecting new abilities, helping who you find and interact with the environment, the secrets of Lorian V will be laid bare, although you might not like what you find…
Ghost Song is available now on PC, Switch, Ps4, Ps5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.
Source: Old Moon

Griffen Olney is a Website Reporter for Omega Metroid. You may know him as TheAccursedHunter01.