Samus Sports Her Classic Super Metroid Varia Suit in Upcoming Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Mod!
A common complaint among Metroid faithful is how, somehow, Samus has been stuck sporting her Other M Varia Suit for the better part of a decade in the Super Smash Bros. Well, rejoice then, as modder Noababoa has seemingly had enough and is the process of designing a mod for the party brawler that would see Samus step into one of her most classic (and clean!) looking suits: Super Metroid’s Varia Suit! The mod – which currently is a Work-In-Progress sitting at a 55% completion rate – gives Super’s Varia Suit one of its first HD interpretations while giving Samus herself a much needed makeover. The suit looks even better in motion, as Naobaboa has included a training montage of Samus showing off her moves (with the icing on the cake being Samus pummelling the snot out of the detestable pink puffball Kirby).
Not only does her base Varia Suit look great, there are some really crisp looking alternate skins for it, including the classic Power Suit and, my personal favorite, a green-hued suit based off the Game Boy’s colors. Not only that, but the mod will come with “a few extra goodies such as arm cannon animations, unique projectiles, and possibly a Super Metroid sound effect mod”.
This is something that we’ll definitely be keeping our eye on as it continues to develop, and as a fan of the classic Varia Suit, I personally can’t wait. Will you be checking this mod out when it drops? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: Noababoa

Andy Spiteri is the Webmaster of Omega Metroid and Host of the Omega Metroid Podcast, The Zelda Cast, and Virtual Theater. Probably drinking a Tim Horton’s Double Double as you read this.