ROM Hack Reviews: Metroid Purge + Metroid II Colorization
Get ready for an episode of ROM Hack Reviews that’s frankly all over the place! We’re talking not one, not two, but three different ROM Hack’s, including Metroid Purge, a quickplay hack where you must defeat 10 Metroids in a short time, by Liam Najor, as well as Metroid II Colorization, a hack from Quantam that adds color to the original Metroid 2 experience! Why did things go off the rails so much this month? Come listen to find out! Make sure to try Metroid Purge and Metroid II Colorization for yourself!
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Andy Spiteri is the Webmaster of Omega Metroid and Host of the Omega Metroid Podcast, The Zelda Cast, and Virtual Theater. Probably drinking a Tim Horton’s Double Double as you read this.