Get Creative with Maytroid 2022!
May is almost upon is. That means it’s time for Maytroid!
Created by rupakoopatroopa and donbrosius.ink, Maytroid is a creative challenge that is dedicated to the Metroid series. Inspired by Inktober, Maytroid asks people to make something Metroid-based with a daily prompt throughout the month of May.
This year, I helped Rupa with the prompts list, and it was decided to give Maytroid a specific Dread theme.
The prompts are below:
If you are interested in making something this year, please feel free! Don’t feel pressured to do the entire month if you don’t want to. My only ask is that you tag your works with #maytroid2022 so that I can view your awesome works!
Thank you and have fun this upcoming May!

Isabel Braman is the Community Manager of Omega Metroid and curator of the Metroid 35 fanzine. She likes to create stuff!