Check Out Our New Metroid: Zero Mission Guide!
Having trouble in Tourian? Ready to rumble with Ridley? Still perusing the map for every last expansion and power-up? You’re in luck. Today, we’re happy to announce that our brand-new guide for Metroid: Zero Mission is finally live, right here at OmegaMetroid.com!
If you browse the Zero Mission section of the site here (or by clicking the corresponding button at the top of the page), you’ll now find our full game guide for this classic GBA title.
Looking for help as you progress through the game? You can dive into our step-by-step walkthrough packed with in-game screenshots. There’s a 100% Map for all you completionists out there, as well as comprehensive lists of the game’s missile expansions (by progression and by area), Super Missile expansions, Power Bomb expansions, Energy Tanks, and Shinespark puzzles. You’ll also find a Boss walkthrough and a quick list of the game’s endings.
Huge thanks to Andy for the massive amount of work that went into this guide, as well as to Omega Metroid team members Doominal Crossing and AFallenApple, both of whom also helped contribute to this project.
We’re excited to have another guide up for a major Metroid title, and hope that it comes in handy for any hunters out there looking to take down Mother Brain.
Good luck and happy hunting!

Dak is a contributor at Omega Metroid and the Omega Metroid Podcast. If he’s not playing Metroid Prime Remastered, he’s definitely playing Destiny 2.