Take A New Look at Metroid Dread With These Incredible Screenshots From Digital Frontiers
Back in July, we wrote an article highlighting the work of Digital Frontiers. Digital Frontiers is a professional screenshotter on ArtStation who takes modified copies of big games such as: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild; Mass Effect; Bioshock; Halo: Combat Evolved; and countless others, then uses a free camera to take press kit quality photography within these game worlds.
When we last spotlighted Digital Frontiers, we covered a massive screenshot project that they had done for Metroid Prime Remastered (which we also used for bonus album covers for our Metroid Prime soundtrack remaster).
Most recently, Digital Frontiers added a new screenshot project to their portfolio, this time photographing the world of Metroid Dread. The ability to take the camera outside of the fixed angle assigned in retail copies gives the title a sense of scale never before seen. It shows how truly detailed and dynamic the characters and environments are.
Much like the Metroid Prime Remastered project, the Metroid Dread screenshots were taken with a selection of custom modifications active to enhance the scene such as 11k resolution, anti-aliasing, atmospheric fog, gamma adjustment, depth of field and ambient occlusion to name a few. There were also some new mods introduced to allow certain suits to be switched on and off at will like the Metroid Suit, and even a few custom fan made suits such as the E.M.M.I. Suit.
“A lot of the assets in Dread weren’t designed to be seen close up, or from certain angles. So more care than usual had to be taken to avoid/hide specific unflattering things. And due to the normally locked camera placement (and the way the lighting could break if you deviated too far from it), a lot of free-cam angles you might usually use were off limits.” writes Digital Frontiers in the project bio.
You can check out Digital Frontiers on ArtStation, stay up to date with their projects on Twitter, and view their Metroid Dread portfolio here.
Source: ArtStation

Doominal Crossing is a Website Editor at Omega Metroid & one of the big 3 on the Omega Metroid Podcast. Don’t let the name fool you, Metroid comes first before anything else! When not talking endlessly about his love for the series, you can find him in the studio making music that’s probably related to it in some way.