Episode 198 – Metroid Fusion Q&A!
We’re back this week, and we put YOU in charge of the show! We asked you for your Metroid Fusion questions, and you delivered big time! We’re touching on subjects like; how could the BSL blow up SR388 just by crashing into it? What’s our favorite sound effect from the game? How would we want a remake to handle the SA-X? What’s our alternate ideas for how Adams AI could have developed consciousness? Could the intro on SR388 become a playable prologue? If we could change one thing about Fusions story, what would it be? How would we have designed the Varia Suit to avoid the puke colors? All this, and so much more!
All this, PLUS we set the stage for next weeks MASSIVE SHOWDOWN between the Zelda Cast and Omega Metroid Podcast’s crews as we celebrate our 300th episode! We have a special Jeopardy game planned, so make sure you come and join us on Twitch to watch!
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Andy Spiteri is the Webmaster of Omega Metroid and Host of the Omega Metroid Podcast, The Zelda Cast, and Virtual Theater. Probably drinking a Tim Horton’s Double Double as you read this.