Episode 162 – Sector 4 (AQA): Mapping Metroid
Mapping Metroid returns to the B.S.L. Station to once again detail one of Metroid Fusion’s ominous sectors – Sector 4 (AQA)! We’re going in depth talking about the right-to-left layout and how unique it is; how some of the enemies like Evir and the Aqua Pirates remind us of Super Metroid; the dichotomy between the steely upper surface and the bright, colorful submerged parts; the Serris boss fight and how fun it is; if this Sector has the most underrated track in Metroid; our favorite expansions; and, of course, THAT hidden Easter Egg scene!
All this, PLUS some Stanley Cup playoffs talk and a plug for Dak appearing on the newest episode of The Zelda Cast! Come listen along and learn more about Sector 4 than you ever thought possible!
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Andy Spiteri is the Webmaster of Omega Metroid and Host of the Omega Metroid Podcast, The Zelda Cast, and Virtual Theater. Probably drinking a Tim Horton’s Double Double as you read this.