Episode 13: Phendrana Drifts – Mapping Metroid
Welcome to the very first edition of a going-to-be-semi-regular series of shows called Mapping Metroid! This series is going to focus on exploring a single area from one Metroid game and really having an in-depth discussion about it. To get us started off, the boys pick an area near and dear to them – Phendrana Drifts!
Come listen as we talk about our first impressions of Phendrana, what rooms in particular we really like, what enemies stick out to us, which powerups and expansions are cool, what we think of the music, which pieces of lore are really interesting, and so much more! This is the first Mapping Metroid, and we’re on the lookout for suggestions on what to cover next!
ALSO – is Prime Trilogy really releasing on June 19th? Andy and Dak have different opinions, so come and weight in on which side sounds more likely!
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@OmegaMetroidPod x @Spiteri316 x @dakcity_ x @DoominalCross
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INTRO SONG – Listen here!
OUTRO SONG – Listen here!

Doominal Crossing is a Website Editor at Omega Metroid & one of the big 3 on the Omega Metroid Podcast. Don’t let the name fool you, Metroid comes first before anything else! When not talking endlessly about his love for the series, you can find him in the studio making music that’s probably related to it in some way.