Games,  Metroid Other M,  Metroid Prime,  Metroid Prime 4 Beyond,  Metroid Prime Pinball,  Podcast,  Samus's Percentages

Episode 120 – Samus’s Percentages: Where in the Timeline Will Metroid Prime 4 Take Place?

Andy and Doom are back in the hot seat this week for another edition of SAMUS’S PERCENTAGES! The premise is simple: we read a statement and assign a percentage on how likely we think it is to be true! Will Prime 4 have more than four beams and visors to choose from? Where will the game take place in the timeline? Will there be a Metroid movie in the next couple years? Will the manga ever get localized? Could Metroid Prime Pinball ever get ported? Will Other M remain the most controversial Metroid game for eternity?

All this PLUS we talk some reactions to the Partner Mini Direct, Andy shares a cool Metroidvania he’s been playing, and followup from last week. Don’t miss out!





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