Check Out This Orchestral Arrangement of Serris/Yakuza Battle from Metroid Fusion
What better way to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Metroid Fusion than to look back on some of its best features? While some might not agree, I think Fusion still has one of the best soundtracks in the series, with help from some of the franchise’s best tracks like the boss battle theme for Serris and Yakuza.
This theme in particular is a track I’ve always felt is not just one of the best tracks in the Metroid series, but is one of my favorite boss battle themes of all time. It’s a shame it never made it to the Smash Bros. series!
Thanks to Wingus Dingus, the Serris/Yakuza theme is back, this time in orchestral arrangement form. Many of you might be familiar with Wingus’ work before, as we’ve posted some of their other incredible arrangements on the site in the past.
Like previous arrangments, this breathes a whole new life into a classic track. This is probably the most fast-paced Metroid track Wingus has taken on. It’s clear from the outset that even a track like this becomes something wholly new and absolutely amazing when given the orchestral treatment. The intense string action ramps up the excitement and teleports me right back to that awesome boss battle as if I’m playing it for the first time twenty years ago.
As I’ve said with Wingus’ other work, I would love to hear arrangements like these in actual Metroid games. A soundtrack based on orchestral arrangements like these, I believe, would take Metroid to a whole new level.
Great work to Wingus Dingus once more, and be sure to check out their channel for even more fantastic remixes like this.
Source: Wingus Dingus

Dak is a contributor at Omega Metroid and the Omega Metroid Podcast. If he’s not playing Metroid Prime Remastered, he’s definitely playing Destiny 2.