Here you’ll find the location for every Super Missile Expansion in Metroid: Zero Mission, as well as detailed explanations on how to get them and what powerups you’ll need.
Super Missile Expansion #1
Location: Brinstar
Requirements: Speed Booster, Morph Ball
Once you’re back in Brinstar, head left into the hallway we fought Deorum in earlier.We can actually get an important item here much earlier than the game intends for us to. I usually try to write these guides in a “the way the game intends you” kind of way, but this one is easy enough, so it’s up to you whether you want to do this or not. Let’s get started.
Once you get to the flat part of the room (this will line up to where the dot on the left side of your map is), start running and shooting. Your Speed Booster should activate right after you go through the blast door. As soon as your Booster kicks in, CROUCH! You’ll have about 3 seconds to act, so move quickly! Head back through the blast door into the room you came from and head down that little slope. Quickly turn around, fire the door open, get into Morph Ball form and activate your Shinespark. Head to the left and you’ll go crashing through a wall into a secret room which will house MISSILE EXPANSION #24! But wait – there’s more! Roll back out and repeat this process – run, crouch, Morph Ball, Shinespark. This time, when you get into the secret room, press down on the D-pad! Do this after you’ve destroyed the two Rippers with your Shinespark. You’ll have another 3 seconds to work with here, so quickly lay a bomb on the ground, closer to the right side of the room. The ground will give away and you’ll be on a small ledge (not the bottom most part, but a slightly raised ledge off the ground). Shinespark to your left, and you’ll go flying into another secret room which houses SUPER MISSILE EXPANSION #1! Congratulations – you just pulled off a sequence break! This can be tough to all take in over text, so head to Shinespark Puzzles to see video on how to do this.
Super Missile Expansion #2
Location: Ridley’s Lair
Requirements: Defeat Imago
After the battle, go and claim SUPER MISSILE EXPANSION #2.
Super Missile Expansion #3
Location: Ridley’s Lair
Requirements: Bombs, Super Missiles
Head to a hallway that’s directly under the Save Station that’s next to the Norfair elevator. Once you’re in this room, lay some bombs in the tunnel and watch the blocks disappear. Go up and you’ll see a little ledge you can grab on the left side. Pull up and lay a bomb. Even more blocks will disappear, so head on up and continue following the path. Destroy the Super Missile block, lay some more bombs, and watch them blocks crumble until there’s only one singular floating block left. Shoot it to reveal SUPER MISSILE EXPANSION #3.
Super Missile Expansion #4
Location: Ridley’s Lair
Requirements: Power Grip
Drop down to the left, grab the ledge, and proceed through the door. There will be FIVE Sidehoppers for you to deal with in this next room, but that shouldn’t be a challenge for a badass bounty hunter like you. Press forward a room and you’ll see SUPER MISSILE EXPANSION #4 sitting there for the taking! Sweet!
Super Missile Expansion #5
Location: Norfair
Requirements: Ice Beam, Varia Suit
This new room will have a platform with lava underneath. Press forward and you’ll be able to see an expansion that’s not in jumping distance, but worry not! Behind you, you should have walked over a tube that spews out bugs. Lure one of the bugs to the left, and then when it flies over you and to the left over the lava, freeze it and jump on it (be careful not to destroy it with your Screw Attack though!). Using the frozen bug as a platform, you’ll be able to jump over and grab SUPER MISSILE EXPANSION #5!
Super Missile Expansion #6
Location: Norfair
Requirements: Morph Ball, Bombs
Walk straight ahead and you’ll see a barrier in between you and a Super Missile. Very important here – get into Morph Ball form and jump so you bomb the TOP LEFT of this barrier and not the bottom! If you do that, the top part will evaporate and SUPER MISSILE EXPANSION #6 will be served up on a silver platter!
Super Missile Expansion #7
Location: Chozodia
Requirements: Speed Booster, Gravity Suit
Exit the Save Station closest to the Chozo Test boss room on the right and drop down a bit. You’ll see some water underneath a row of blocks; shoot a missile at the floor and drop down. Get over to the left and start running towards the right. Your Speed Boost will activate and you’ll go crashing into SUPER MISSILE EXPANSION #7!
Super Missile Expansion #8
Location: Chozodia
Requirements: Gravity Suit, Screw Attack, Morph Ball
Sticking in this same vertical hallway, drop all the way to the bottom and Screw Attack through the blocks, going through the door. In this next room, again, Screw Attack through the floor and drop into the lava. Hey guess what – this is actually real lava, but with the Gravity Suit, it doesn’t matter! Drop to the bottom and roll under the pillar to your right. Follow the tunnel to grab SUPER MISSILE EXPANSION #8!
Super Missile Expansion #9
Location: Chozodia
Requirements: Morph Ball, Bombs
From the Shuttle Room, backtrack just a wee bit and head through the door directly to the left, across the Save Station. Go through and then blast the red door with a missile to open it. Jump up and open the green blast door, and you’ll see a Super Missile Expansion. Bomb the block beside it, and you’ll go falling down a bit to a pit with three Space Pirates. No big deal, right? Smash them and jump up to grab SUPER MISSILE EXPANSION #9!
Super Missile Expansion #10
Location: Chozodia
Requirements: Morph Ball, Bombs
From the Shuttle Room, head through the door directly to the left, across the Save Station. Go through and then blast the red door with a missile to open it. Jump up and open the green blast door, and then head through the yellow blast door. Take care of any Space Pirates, and then destroy the blocks above you to jump up through a small tunnel. Blast the R2D2-looking droid in your way and, once it moves, jump up to grab SUPER MISSILE EXPANSION #10.
Super Missile Expansion #11
Location: Chozodia
Requirements: Bombs, Missiles
Make your way to the Map Room and head out the door on your right. About halfway or so down the hall, you should see a crack on the ceiling. Bomb it (lay a Power Bomb if you’re having trouble seeing it), destroy the missile block, and grab SUPER MISSILE EXPANSION #11!
Super Missile Expansion #12
Location: Chozodia
Requirements: Morph Ball
Head back to the broken tube and drop down and left. Keep dropping down until you reach a Save Station on the lower right. Head to your left until you get to what looks like a small room with blue blast doors on either side of you. Get to the centre of the room and jump up; there’s a series of hidden tunnels and enemies up there. Follow the path to the top and you’ll find SUPER MISSILE EXPANSION #12 once you lay a bomb to reveal it.
Super Missile Expansion #13
Location: Chozodia
Requirements: Bombs, Power Bombs (optional)
From the broken glass tube, drop down and head left until you reach the room right before the room that connects to Crateria. In this room, you’ll want to lay a Power Bomb to reveal small tunnels that you can roll through. You might need to lay a second Power Bomb, but you should see a tunnel that leads you to SUPER MISSILE EXPANSION #13.
Super Missile Expansion #14
Location: Chozodia
Requirements: Bombs, Missiles
From the lower-middle Save Station, follow the path left until you get to a room with bombable blocks as the floor. Destroy the blocks, drop down, eliminate the Pirate, and shoot a missile at the left side of the wall to reveal SUPER MISSILE EXPANSION #14.
Super Missile Expansion #15
Location: Crateria
Requirements: Speed Boost, Power Bombs
Once you arrive, make your way to the top right portion of the area, referred to as the Chozo Ruins. About halfway up the far right wall is a blast door inside the mouth of a Chozo Statue. We’re going to refer to this door as the Chozo Door. Head towards the Chozo Door and Speed Boost towards the door and crouch as soon as you go through it. This time, *quickly* jump upwards and get yourself on the upper slope. Shinespark towards the right and grab SUPER MISSILE EXPANSION # 15. See Shinespark Puzzles for video.