Metroid offers a variety of endings based on the amount of time a player takes to clear the game, a tradition continued on in subsequent games and still practiced today. Below are all the different endings and the conditions you’ll need to meet to achieve them!
The 5th Best Ending
Achieved by: finishing the game in over 10 hours. Alternately, you can get this ending by finishing the game in less than 5 hours while playing as Justin Bailey Samus.
The 4th Best Ending
Achieved by: finishing the game in over 5 hours but under 10 hours.
The 3rd Best Ending
Achieved by: finishing the game in over 3 hours but under 5 hours.
The 2nd Best Ending
Achieved by: finishing the game in over 1 hour but under 3 hours. By pressing start once the credits have finished rolling, you can play as Justin Bailey Samus in a new game.
The Best Ending
Achieved by: finishing the game in under an hour.