Missile Expansions
Here you’ll find the location for every Missile Expansion in Metroid Prime, as well as detailed explanations on how to get them and what powerups you’ll need. Expansions have been listed by area. For a list of expansion in order of when you can pick them up during the game, click here.
Tallon Overworld
Missile Expansion #2
Location: Landing Site, Tallon Overworld
Requirements: Morph Ball
Roll into a small tunnel behind your Gunship and you’ll see the Expansion sitting there for the taking.
Missile Expansion #11
Location: Transport Tunnel B, Tallon Overworld
Requirements: None
Look under the bridge to find this Expansion.
Missile Expansion #22
Location: Overgrown Cavern, Tallon Overworld
Requirements: Ice Beam
Come down from Chozo Ruins East (near where you get the Ice Beam) and this Expansion will be open for the taking.
Missile Expansion #23
Location: Frigate Crash Site, Tallon Overworld
Requirements: Gravity Suit
Go into the water and jump up on an embedded platform to retrieve this Expansion.
Missile Expansion #24
Location: Biohazard Containment, Tallon Overworld
Requirements: Super Missiles
Shoot the Cordite containment door with a Super Missile to expose this Expansion.
Missile Expansion #30
Location: Life Grove Tunnel, Tallon Overworld
Requirements: Boost Ball, Bombs
Use the half-pipe to boost to the top ledge. Lay a bomb in the center and you’ll fall directly on this Expansion.
Missile Expansion #31
Location: Great Tree Chamber, Tallon Overworld
Requirements: Space Jump, X-Ray Visor (optional)
There is an invisible platform (you can see the rain fall on it) that you can jump on to reach the room holding this Expansion.
Missile Expansion #49
Location: Root Cave, Tallon Overworld
Requirements: X-Ray Visor, Grapple Beam
Use the X-Ray Visor and Grapple Beam to climb up to the top of the cave. The Expansion will be hidden behind some foliage. Use your X-Ray Visor to locate it and jump to retrieve it.
Missile Expansion #50
Location: Arbour Chamber via Root Cave, Tallon Overworld
Requirements: X-Ray Visor, Grapple Beam, Plasma Beam
Use the X-Ray Visor and Grapple Beam to climb up to the top of the cave. Go through the Plasma Beam door at the top and you’ll find the Expansion there for the taking.
Chozo Ruins
Missile Expansion #1
Location: Hive Totem, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Defeat Hive Mecha
Once Hive Mecha has been vanquished, your first Missile Expansion will be your reward.
Missile Expansion #3
Location: Burn Dome, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Bombs, Morph Ball
Bomb the Sandstone wall and roll through the tunnel to grab this Expansion.
Missile Expansion #4
Location: Watery Hall Access, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Missiles
Blast the stone wall with a missile to reveal this Expansion.
Missile Expansion #5
Location: Dynamo, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Morph Ball, Bombs, Missiles
Roll into the room and blast away the old fan to reveal the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #6
Location: Ruined Nursery, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Morph Ball, Bombs
Bomb the bricks in the opening in the wall, Morph down, and follow the tunnel to pick up Expansion. You’ll need to bomb the lower section first to get one of the metal bricks out of the way.
Missile Expansion #7
Location:Ruined Gallery, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Missiles
Blast the wall directly the under the door and across the small pond with a missile, and the wall will break, revealing this Expansion.
Missile Expansion #8
Location: Ruined Gallery, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Morph Ball, Bombs
Roll through the Morph Ball tunnel on the east side of the room to roll into this Expansion.
Missile Expansion #9
Location: Vault, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Bombs, Bomb Jumping
Bomb jump to unlock three locks that seal the vault; once done, the walls with retract, letting you grab the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #15
Location: Main Plaza, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Super Missiles
Navigate towards the upper level until you’re on a platform facing a tree. Blast the tree with a Super Missile to reveal the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #16
Location: Main Plaza, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Boost Ball
Use the half-pipe to grab the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #17
Location: Ruined Shrine, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Bombs, Morph Ball
Bomb a Sandstone wall by the inner portion if the room where you fought the Plated Beetle. Roll through to grab the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #18
Location: Ruined Shrine, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Boost Ball, Morph Ball
Use the half-pipe to boost up to the ledge; roll through to grab the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #19
Location: Ruined Fountain, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Spider Ball, Morph Ball
Enter the Fountain and let it shoot you upwards. Attach to the Spider Ball Track at the top of the room and follow it to grab the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #20
Location: Gathering Hall, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Space Jump, Bombs
Navigate all the way to the top of the room, bomb the gate, and grab the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #21
Location: Crossway, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Super Missile, Boost Ball, Spider Ball, Bombs
Destroy the Cordite Chozo ornament and scan the panel behind it. Use your Boost Ball in the half-pipe to bomb the Morph Ball Slots on either side. Drop down and ride the piston up; roll over and get the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #44
Location: Watery Hall, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Gravity Suit
Drop into the water and navigate forward. You’ll see the Expansion on a ledge; jump up to grab it.
Missile Expansion #45
Location: Dynamo, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Spider Ball
Ride the Spider Ball Track up to find this Expansion.
Missile Expansion #46
Location: Furnace, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Power Bombs, Boost Ball, Spider Ball
Lay a Power Bomb to reveal a half-pipe. Use it to boost your way up to the Spider Ball Tracks. Carefully follow the path until you reach the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #47
Location: Training Chamber Access, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Morph Ball
Morph down and follow the hidden tunnel in the tree by the door to grab this Expansion.
Missile Expansion #48
Location: Main Plaza, Chozo Ruins
Requirements: Grapple Beam
Get into the tree hollow from earlier and jump up towards the Grapple point. Hook on and swing over to get Expansion.
Magmoor Caverns
Missile Expansion #10
Location: Storage Cavern via Triclops Pit, Magmoor Caverns
Requirements: Morph Ball.
Roll through the tunnel underneath the Triclops Pit and work your way to a small opening where you can roll through, grabbing the Expansion within.
Missile Expansion #12
Location: Fiery Shores, Magmoor Caverns
Requirements: Morph Ball, Bombs
Follow the narrow path above the magma until you roll into the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #43
Location: Triclops Pit, Magmoor Caverns
Requirements: X-Ray Visor, Super Missiles
Use your X-Ray Visor to find three floating platforms on the far side of the room. Once you’re on the third platform, fire a Super Missile at the rock pillar to expose this Expansion.
Phendrana Drifts
Missile Expansion #13
Location: Research Lab Aether, Phendrana Drifts
Requirements: Morph Ball
After clearing the room of pirates, you’ll find a small ledge on the middle part of the room. Morph down and follow the tunnel to get the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #14
Location: Research Lab Hydra, Phendrana Drifts
Requirements: Super Missiles
Shoot the Cordite column on the top platform with a Super Missile to expose the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #36
Location: Frost Cave, Phendrana Drifts
Requirements: Grapple Beam, Missiles
Grapple over to the far ledge and shoot down the Stalactite hanging from the roof. Drop down and enter the hole created. The Expansion will be in the water on a ledge.
Missile Expansion #37
Location: Gravity Chamber, Phendrana Drifts
Requirements: Plasma Beam, Grapple Beam
Shoot the ceiling with your Plasma Beam to melt the ice; a Grapple point will be accessible now. Use it to grab the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #38
Location: Quarantine Monitor via Quarantine Cave, Phendrana Drifts
Requirements: Grapple Beam, Spider Ball
From the door leading to the South Quarantine Tunnel, Grapple over and go through the Morph Ball tunnel to grab this Expansion.
Missile Expansion #39
Location: Ice Ruins East, Phendrana Drifts
Requirements: Plasma Beam
Shoot the ice sheet in the far corner to reveal the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #40
Location: Ice Ruins East, Phendrana Drifts
Requirements: Spider Ball
On the upper ledge, take the Spider Ball Track to grab this Expansion.
Missile Expansion #41
Location: Phendrana Shorelines, Phendrana Drifts
Requirements: Plasma Beam
Melt the sheet of ice covering this Expansion by the Save Station with your Plasma Beam.
Missile Expansion #42
Location: Phendrana Shorelines, Phendrana Drifts
Requirements: Spider Ball, Super Missiles
Blast the Cordite statue near the entrance to Temple Entryway and then follow the Spider Ball Track up to grab the Expansion.
Phazon Mines
Missile Expansion #25
Location: Main Quarry, Phazon Mines
Requirements: Spider Ball
Scan the upper console to move the crane. Once the crane is in position, follow the Spider Ball Track to the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #26
Location: Elite Research, Phazon Mines
Requirements: Boost Ball
Use the Boost Ball to spin the Pulse Cannon to the far left wall at 8% integrity. Scan the terminal to fire the laser. Jump on the exposed platform to grab Expansion.
Missile Expansion #27
Location: Elite Control Access, Phazon Mines
Requirements: None
Fire a charged shot at the explosive crate blocking the vent. After the explosion clears, there will be a platform housing an Expansion exposed.
Missile Expansion #28
Location: Phazon Processing Center, Phazon Mines
Requirements: Power Bombs, X-Ray Visor (optional)
Take the bridge to the right and drop to the platform below at the very end. Lay a Power Bomb on the platform to blow up the wall hiding this Expansion.
Missile Expansion #29
Location: Security Access A, Phazon Mines
Requirements: Power Bombs
Lay a Power Bomb by the grate and after it explodes, the path to the Expansion will be clear.
Missile Expansion #32
Location: Metroid Quarantine A, Phazon Mines
Requirements: X-Ray Visor, Power Bombs, Spider Ball
On the upper platform towards the end of the room, lay two Power Bombs to break through the Bendizium rocks covering access to the Spider Ball Track. Take the track across and jump up on the invisible moving platform to grab the Expansion.
Missile Expansion #33
Location: Fungal Hall Access, Phazon Mines
Requirements: Phazon Suit (optional), Morph Ball
Quickly roll under the mushroom at the bottom to grab this Expansion. You’ll take damage if you don’t have the Phazon Suit, but it will be minimal.
Missile Expansion #34
Location: Fungal Hall B, Phazon Mines
Requirements: Bombs
On the far end of the room, on the ground below the Plasma Door, lay a bomb to expose this Expansion.
Missile Expansion #35
Location: Metroid Quarantine B, Phazon Mines
Requirements: Super Missiles
Fire a Super Missile at the Cordite shaft to reveal this Expansion.