The Great Metroid Area Ranking: Norfair (Super Metroid) + Great Temple/Sky Temple + Area 6!
Welcome back to The Great Metroid Area Ranking, the Hunter-Tier Patreon exclusive show where I, Andy Spiteri, will be ranking every single area in the Metroid series! This month, I’m joined by Hunter Tier Patron Ben Paulson as we discuss three heavy hitters with amazing boss battles: the Diggernaut’s Domain and your first encounter with an Omega Metroid in Samus Returns’ Area 6; the hub of U-Mos and the Luminoth’s Great Temple and its dark reflection the Sky Temple; and the intimidating, suffocating, oppressive environment of Super Metroid’s Norfair, where a date with Ridley awaits. A brand new #1 is crowned on our list this month, so come and check it out!
Join the fun and consider signing up to Omega Metroid on Patreon to influence what areas get covered!
Follow along with the The Ranking so far!
Listen to the episode on Patreon!
Make sure to check out the series that inspired this: Gooey’s Dungeon Dive, a podcast ranking every dungeon in the Zelda series!
To gain access to the Great Metroid Area Ranking, as well as Metroid ROM Hack Reviews, the Spiteri Show and special Discord roles, sign up for the Hunter Tier on Omega Metroid’s Patreon page!

Andy Spiteri is the Webmaster of Omega Metroid and Host of the Omega Metroid Podcast, The Zelda Cast, and Virtual Theater. Probably drinking a Tim Horton’s Double Double as you read this.