DidYouKnowGaming Shares Metroid Prime Dev Secrets
The fascinating and often turbulent game development cycles of the Metroid franchise are frequently as interesting as the games themselves. The stories and secrets behind the creation of Metroid Prime are no different. Thankfully, DidYouKnowGaming has done another deep dive into the Metroid series, this time uncovering a bountiful batch of Metroid Prime dev secrets in their latest video.
“Metroid Prime Devs Share Secrets” is 25 minutes of pure Metroid development history, providing the background for how Metroid Prime came into existence and the decisions that shaped it, and other games in the trilogy, into the classic we know today. Many Metroid fans are aware of the roller-coaster development history of Metroid’s initial first-person shooter title, but there are certainly several tidbits in this video that would surprise even the most knowledgeable and passionate of fans.
DidYouKnowGaming spoke with several team members behind the first Metroid Prime, including original lead developer John Whitmore and others. There’s a lot to learn in this video – from the game’s beginnings as a title called “Meta Force” featuring three protagonists; to the actual name behind Samus’ gunship in Metroid Prime; to the big price-tag on Metroid Prime’s logo, and so much more! Did you know that Metroid Fusion wasn’t even planned to happen in the first place until the hype behind Metroid Prime fueled the fire? You might not have!
This video is truly worth checking out for any Metroid fan, especially fans like myself who adore Metroid Prime and have it at the top of their list. There’s also a lot to learn here about the other Metroid Prime games, as well. Of course, like many videos and interviews covering anything from decades in the past, it’s worth taking some portions with a grain of salt. Not everything may be remembered exactly as it happened, and there may be some elements lost in translation or sensationalized. Nevertheless, it is another captivating view into the world of game development and the history of Metroid Prime.
If you’re hungry for more Metroid Prime development content, there’s a lot more to explore. You can dig into Kiwi Talkz’ many interviews with Metroid Prime staff members, including chats with Metroid Prime 1 & 2 Senior Engineer Zoid, Metroid Prime Trilogy Technical Lead Engineer Jack Matthews, Metroid Prime Trilogy Lead Designer Mike Wikan, Metroid Prime Trilogy Senior Producer Bryan Walker, and Metroid Prime 1 & 2 Audio Lead Clark Wen.
Source: DidYouKnowGaming

Dak is a contributor at Omega Metroid and the Omega Metroid Podcast. If he’s not playing Metroid Prime Remastered, he’s definitely playing Destiny 2.