Good Smile E.M.M.I. Figma Now Available for Preorder
Those of you who remember the Metroid Dread Samus Figma revealed last year might also remember getting a glimpse at a “currently in production” version of an EMMI figma. You might have wondered where it went.
Well wonder no more, that EMMI figma is now available for preorder! You can preorder the EMMI figma over on Good Smile’s website right here.
The figure is currently slated for release in Q3 of 2024 and will cost $110.99 USD. The EMMI figure comes with several interchangeable face parts such as the armored plating around the face as well as their infamous spear like DNA extracting needle. There are many different movable portions of the EMMI such as foldable limbs, extendable limbs and hinge joints for each of the EMMIs individuals claws. The EMMI figure is built to scale, and when standing upright it’s at least twice as tall as the Metroid Dread Samus figma that is set to release later this year.
The EMMI figma will even be packaged with a unique stand with an X at the base. This stand is more sturdy than normal figma stands, but this is necessary considering how big the EMMI figma will end up being.
For those who want to see the EMMI figma in action, it was initially revealed not too long ago. The reveal happened over on one of Max Factory’s most recent YouTube videos along with a host of other figure reveals (the segment involving the EMMI starts at around 55:33).
So what do you think? How does the EMMI look? Are you going to buy one for yourself? Let us know in the comments below and make sure to keep it locked at Omega Metroid for future news like this!
Source: Good Smile

Griffen Olney is a Website Reporter for Omega Metroid. You may know him as TheAccursedHunter01.