Could Metroid (NES) be Remade in 3D? This Video Provides a Good Pitch For Doing So!
Metroid is one of most iconic games for the NES. Its focus on exploration, platforming, and ranged-oriented combat was quite a unique and new combination for the time, and it gained a cult following and spawned a legendary series that continues today. It officially got a remake in 2004 as Metroid: Zero Mission, a well-received GBA title. However, what if instead of getting a remake in 2D, we got a reimagining in 3D using a familiar art style?
That’s what Bobby Ivar intends to see in own video. Here, he has attempted to remake the original Metroid in Unreal Engine 4, remaking the classic sprites in 3D, porting the classic mechanics, and reimagining combat encounters. He starts off by remaking Samus’ sprites in MagicaVoxel, including her running and morph ball animations, as well as separate animations for her arm cannon. Next, he starts with some basic level design, importing the classic Brinstar tiles into Unreal Engine and creating some basic blocks to create platforms and obstacles. After this, he creates the classic Zoomers and Screes. For Zoomers, he makes two variations, one that can go on a set path around a platform, and another that can wander around on flat ground and dash at Samus. The Screes, meanwhile, simply wander along the ceiling until Samus gets close, then they dive bomb and explode in a short radius. He then makes basic combat mechanics, modelling beams, missiles, and bombs for Samus, and adding in a damaging system for both her and enemies. He then creates some more objects and rooms, until it really feels like Metroid’s Brinstar. Finally, he creates a boss fight with everyone’s favorite space Dino, Kraid, and here is where the game ends.
While perhaps not the most robust remake ever made, this demo is still very impressive, having been made entirely in two weeks. The 3D voxel art is a very underused style for how good it looks, and the design captures the feel of the original very well. You even need to bomb every block at one point to figure out how to get further, which may seem frustrating, but would it really be a faithful remake otherwise?
How do you think this remake holds up? Would it be something you would like to play, or would love to see made to completion some day? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: Bobby Ivar

GameWyrm (AKA GameWyrm97) is a Website Reporter for Omega Metroid. Probably binging a random YouTube series.