Check Out This Orchestral Arrangement of The Metroid Prime 2 Title Theme
As a lover of orchestral video game soundtracks and remixes, Wingus Dingus on YouTube has become one of my favorite channels as of late. So I was more than excited to see that not only a new upload had hit the channel in the past few weeks, but that it was another orchestral arrangement from the Metroid series.
Wingus Dingus’ latest upload is a fantastic orchestral arrangement of the Metroid Prime 2 Title Theme. It’s a cover that immediately sends chills down your spine. As a massive fan of the Metroid Prime series, it’s incredible to see this track and so many others done a fantastic justice by Wingus.
As much as the Metroid franchise shines with a chiptune or otherwise synth-leaning foundation, and rightfully so, this is yet another example from this channel on how beautiful Metroid can sound with an orchestral spin. If Metroid Prime 2 were ever to be entirely remade or remastered, this is what I’d love to hear the title theme sound like.
Truly, I think there’s a ton of potential for Metroid to expand into orchestral tracks. Balanced alongside more groovy and upbeat tracks (think Phendrana Depths from Metroid Prime), I think there’s incredible depth that could be brought to the soundscape of Metroid by introducing orchestral elements in the future. I’d love to see Metroid Prime 4 go in this direction, personally.
Wingus’ channel is full of other orchestral arrangements, including the incredible covers of the Chykka Larva Battle from Metroid Prime 2, Upper Brinstar from Super Metroid, and the title theme from Metroid Prime 3, which is another one of my personal favorites on the channel. You can find many more Metroid arrangements on the channel as well, plus arrangements from other franchises such as Mega Man, Pokemon, Monster Hunter, and much more.
What do you think of Wingus’ orchestral arrangements? And how do you feel about Metroid incorporating more of this style of music into its soundtracks in the future? Let us know in the comments or on Discord!
Source: Wingus Dingus

Dak is a contributor at Omega Metroid and the Omega Metroid Podcast. If he’s not playing Metroid Prime Remastered, he’s definitely playing Destiny 2.