Check Out This Fan-Made Cover of Metroid Fusion’s Sector 4 Main Theme, Arranged in the Style of Metroid Prime!
I love Metroid. I love music. I really love Metroid music. I also really love fan works, and it is always a treat to find a new cover of an old favorite. Today we’ll be looking at a cover by Phonetic Hero, an artist who has been recently working through the Metroid Fusion soundtrack. He is an accomplished musician who has worked on original songs and remixed arrangements for games such as Project M, Wargroove, and Crypt of the Necrodancer.
Today’s subject is a remix of Sector 4’s main theme. Love Fusion’s OST or hate it, this was definitely a highlight of the soundtrack. The high-energy intro followed by a tense but flowing melody gives a sense of foreboding that is very distinctly “Metroid.” Phonetic Hero has tried to recapture this unique feeling by taking cues from Metroid Prime and using a similar style, and I would say he has nailed it! Seriously, consider going through an area like Torvus Bog with this playing, and it would feel like something Retro had composed.
What do you guys think about this remix? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: Phonetic Hero

GameWyrm (AKA GameWyrm97) is a Website Reporter for Omega Metroid. Probably binging a random YouTube series.