The Second (And Final) Print Run of the Metroid35 Zine
After the first print run of the Metroid35 zine, I got a lot of requests for a second print run of the zine. It’s finally time to do the second (and final) print run of the zine. Please keep in mind that it will essentially be the same as the first print run, which I will explain below. Also, the zine will still be available in a free, digital format both here and on the Metroid Database, so that will not change.
Let’s take a look at the website to help explain the process:
When you order a copy of the zine, you will be putting in a preorder. This is because I have to get an exact number of the copies of the zine (and stickers) before I can put in the order to the printers. Also, if something happens and I receive a DMCA (which is possible but I’m hoping not likely), then I am able to refund people without having a stack of zines sitting around.
There are two different options to choose from. One option (the one on the right) is a physical copy of the Metroid35 zine. The other option (the one on the left) is a physical copy of the Metroid35 zine with the addition of two stickers by CRFArtStore.
The preorders will be open for 3-4 weeks, after which the website will be closed. After that, I will contact the printers and send in the order. It shouldn’t take too long. Now that I have a functioning print file, the process will be much more streamlined than the first print run.
However, there might be a delay with the supply chain issues and the situation in Europe, so it might take a while for the zines to get to me. Once I receive the zines, I will start packaging them and sending them out to you.
This is where it starts to get complicated. Packages have been slow, especially overseas ones. Some places are only now just starting to take mail, and others (like Australia) are still closed to packages from the US Postal Service. I will be most likely going with US Media Mail for the US Packages (which has tracking) and then depending on how many international packages I get I might just bite the bullet and send through UPS instead.
Squarespace has you enter your email and, if you’re outside the US, I ask that you enter your phone number as well for the shipping. It’s to put on the packing slip so that it’s sent to the right person.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] and I will do my best to answer them.
Thank you for your support, and I hope for another successful print run!

Isabel Braman is the Community Manager of Omega Metroid and curator of the Metroid 35 fanzine. She likes to create stuff!