After two years of covering Metroid and the Metroid community, we’ve decided to take the next step in our journey by introducing the Traveler’s Ring Podcast, and
While Metroid is still near and dear to our hearts, everybody knows that our true passion (especially Andy’s) lies in the Destiny and Halo franchises. Truth be told, it’s been a long time coming, and something we’ve been excited about for a very long time. In our minds, now is the best time for us to move on from Metroid to solely cover Destiny and Halo.
The Omega Metroid Podcast will now be the Traveler’s Ring Podcast, as we cover Destiny and Halo on a weekly basis. Raids, strikes, campaigns, co-op. The Light and the Dark. The UNSC and the Covenant. There’s so much to dig in to, we’re overjoyed with the prospect of covering these awesome franchises every week.
For those of you who are dedicated Metroid fans, don’t worry. You’ll come to love these other sci-fi franchises, too. In due time, you’ll probably forget that we ever covered Metroid to begin with.
Bear with us, Guardians and Spartans! We’ll be making all the necessary changes to the show and the website in due time. It’ll be a step-by-step process over the coming seasons.
We hope you’re as excited as we are as we turn to the next chapter of our show and our community. Per audacia ad astra!
Source: trust me bro

Dak is a contributor at Omega Metroid and the Omega Metroid Podcast. If he’s not playing Metroid Prime Remastered, he’s definitely playing Destiny 2.