Metroid Prime Remastered Ranks 13th in Best-Selling Games on March 2023 US Sales Chart
About a week ago, we reported that Metroid Prime Remastered a top 10 spot in game software sales this past March in the UK. Thanks to a new sales chart from Mat Piscatella of Circana, we’ve learned that MPR nabbed a similarly impressive feat here in the United States, landing the 13th spot in best-selling games overall in the US this past March.
This chart contains a ranking of the top 20 games across physical and digital sales based on dollar sales, reporting from February 26th to April 1st. It looks like Metroid Prime Remastered jumped from its spot at 21st in February to just barely outside the top 10 in March.
This makes sense because this reporting data, like all Nintendo sales data reported on by third-parties, only includes physical game sales. Metroid Prime Remastered didn’t go on sale physically at retail stores until almost the very end of February, two weeks after its digital release.
It’s once again impressive that Metroid Prime Remastered managed a top sales spot in March on physical game sales alone. It not only speaks to the demand of physical copies for the game, but leaves the door open on how the game has really sold so far. If MPR manages to sell well on physical sales alone, imagine how well it must be doing when you combine physical and digital?
We’re bound to see the entire picture of Metroid Prime Remastered’s sales soon, as Nintendo’s yearly financial report is just over the horizon.
Each month, Circana reports on consumer spending on video game content, hardware, and accessories. These comparisons are often alongside year-over-year comparisons for each month. Mat Piscatella an executive director and video game industry analyst at Circana.
Source: Mat Piscatella / Circana

Dak is a contributor at Omega Metroid and the Omega Metroid Podcast. If he’s not playing Metroid Prime Remastered, he’s definitely playing Destiny 2.