Check Out Moo Lander, The World’s First “Mootroidvania”, Launching Today!
If you’ve ever thought to yourself “man, I really wish there was a game like Metroid out there where I controlled a UFO and battled an assortment of evil cows”, first of all, congratulations, your imagination is greater than mine, and second of all, you’re in luck! Moo Lander, a self professed “Mootroidvania” (gotta love that) launches today on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC, with a Switch port coming later this summer. Moo Lander features classic exploration/RPG elements and has players flying around in an upgradable ship fighting ‘Mighty Cows’ for control of milk, the most valuable resource in the galaxy. The game promises around 12 hours of gameplay with added multiplayer as well.
This game wasn’t on my radar, but after watching the whacky trailer and just taking in the ludicrous premise, I actually can’t wait to play this game, which thanks to our friends at The Sixth Hammer, we’ll be able to soon enough! Look for Moo Lander to appear on a future episode of Inspired By Metroid, and click here to check out the game for yourself! Act fast, because for the first weekend only, Moo Lander will be available for 10% off!
Source: Moo Lander Game

Andy Spiteri is the Webmaster of Omega Metroid and Host of the Omega Metroid Podcast, The Zelda Cast, and Virtual Theater. Probably drinking a Tim Horton’s Double Double as you read this.