Check Out this Deep Dive Into The Development and Lore of Metroid Prime (Part 1)
Nearly 20 years later, Metroid Prime is still filled with surprises ripe for discovery. Page after page filled with lore from Tallon IV’s previous Chozo residents, to the Space Pirates staking their claim to the planet with their Phazon experiments on the native wildlife (and even themselves!). This goes beyond the game itself with all Retro Studios had to go through into order to make Metroid Prime, especially since Metroid Prime wasn’t initially developed to be a Metroid game at all! There’s so many moving parts that it can be hard to keep track of it all, but then in comes That Trav Guy to give an in depth look at everything Metroid Prime has to offer in his new video.
Trav explores every aspect of any game he covers and Metroid Prime is no exception. Multiple stages of Retro’s developments, noteworthy scan data, comparisons and nods to other Metroid games and much more. So much, in fact, that Trav had split his coverage of Metroid Prime into two parts, with second being released very soon! For now, sit back and enjoy That Trav Guy’s tour of one of his favorite video games down below.
Source: That Trav Guy

Griffen Olney is a Website Reporter for Omega Metroid. You may know him as TheAccursedHunter01.