Episode 67: Metroid Dread Gameplay Analysis Part 1
Happy days, Metroid fans! We’re still riding high on the announcement of Metroid Dread, so today we take to the Nintendo Treehouse Gameplay footage to break down and analyze as much of Samus’s adventure of planet ZDR as we can. We talk all the new enemies, the Save Station, Adam and his role in the game, 360 aiming, melee counters, how E.M.M.I. room seem to function, the Dread Suit, and so much more! Come hang with us and see what you can pick up!
Don’t forget, this is only the first half, so tune in next week for the second!
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OUTRO SONG – Listen here!

Doominal Crossing is a Website Editor at Omega Metroid & one of the big 3 on the Omega Metroid Podcast. Don’t let the name fool you, Metroid comes first before anything else! When not talking endlessly about his love for the series, you can find him in the studio making music that’s probably related to it in some way.